Auto insurance can be expensive. Saving on auto insurance might take a little bit of work, but it is well worth it.
Since every driver is legally required to have auto insurance, there’s no way to cut this expense entirely. But cash conscious drivers have found several effective ways to save on auto insurance.
If you’re looking to reduce your monthly expenses, learn how drivers across the country are saving on auto insurance.
Auto Insurance Discounts
One of the most effective ways that people are saving on auto insurance is by taking advantage of discounts.
Most insurance providers offer discounts to all drivers provided they meet certain criteria. By learning what these discounts are, you can save hundreds on auto insurance.
Safe Driver Discount
One of the most common discounts you’ll find is the safe driver discount. Many of the nation’s largest providers, like Nationwide¹ and State Farm², offer these discounts.
Auto insurance agencies are willing to offer discounts to drivers who manage to go long periods without having an accident.
As you continue to avoid accidents, you can increase your discount on a yearly basis.
Some insurers even offer apps to track your driving so that you can prove your good driving habits.
Multiple Policy Discounts
It’s common for insurance agencies to offer discounts to customers who purchase multiple policies.
For example, if you purchase an auto insurance and renter’s insurance policy from the same provider, you may qualify for a discount on both policies.
Additionally, you might receive a discount if you take out multiple policies to cover other members of your family.
Low Mileage Discounts
Even if you don’t drive very often, you still need auto insurance.
Fortunately, providers will often offer discounts to customers who drive fewer miles per year.
Driving less means you’re less likely to be in an accident. As a result, insurance agencies can offer lower prices since they are taking on less risk.
Government Auto Insurance
Auto insurance is legally required for all drivers. However, the government recognizes that some families can’t afford expensive auto insurance rates.
As a result, the government offers state-sponsored auto insurance programs to low-income families³.
These government programs are not widely advertised, so you may need to do a little bit of searching online to find a program that you qualify for.
That being said, government-sponsored auto insurance can be a great option for low-income drivers.
Compare Offers
To find affordable insurance, you need to compare offers from several different providers.
The key to saving on auto insurance is comparing rates, terms, and coverage from insurers in your area.
You need to find at least three or four different offers and thoroughly compare them to find the one that meets your needs.
By doing this, you can find a policy that offers extensive coverage and low rates.
Find Affordable Auto Insurance Rates
Ready to find a new auto insurance policy?
By understanding how cash conscious drivers are saving on auto insurance, you can save hundreds of dollars on your policy.
Search online today to find affordable auto insurance rates in your area.
[2] https://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto/discounts/steer-clear/steer-clear-online
[3] https://www.autoinsurance.org/what-is-government-auto-insurance/